I did throw up, but god... I've got the worst indigestion ever. During my puking, I kept having to burp more so than usual, which resulted into not all of it coming out. The lasts of that damn apple fritter is stuck. I'm still burping (loudly) and I can taste it.
*1 apple fritter from 7-11.
*1 whole bag of Two Bite Brownies.
*1 bowl of rice with tofu, soyasauce and seaweed.
*2 cups of Cookies'n'Cream ice cream.
Oh god. I got nearly everything up except for some of the apple fritter. I really don't like myself right now.
I went shopping today and bought new jeans. They're a size 24, but I have a feeling that they're bigger (or I've shrunk, which I REALLY don't believe) because they don't fit me as well as they should. I dunno, my body image is distorted, so even though I look and feel bigger, the goddamn scale stays the exact same or goes down lower. /: Whatever?
I also got some new shoes. They're Nikes and not exactly what I'd choose first hand, but they were on sale, so I guess that's okay? I can't find a picture of them, nor can I post one because my camera cord is broken, but they're green/yellow and made out of this... silky material. I'm not exactly sure, but they're cool.
Anyway, I hope everyone's doing a lot better than me right now. -_- Cheers.
Acid reflux. More of the apple fritter is out now.
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